Alex Daskalov Talks Concurrency and Functional Programming
Alex Daskalov enjoys exploring different programming languages and paradigms. These days he spends his time developing educational software. Alex Daskalov – The Case for Lockless Concurrency from CUSEC on Vimeo.
Susan Ibach Introduces Windows Phone Development
Susan Ibach is a Developer Evangelist at Microsoft Canada, that means she loves to talk about Windows Phone, HTML5 and the cloud. An energetic and passionate presenter, there is nothing she enjoys more than sharing her knowledge and passion with others. She worked as a consultant doing programming, testing, data conversions and roll-outs. She also...
Gayle L McDowell Gives Advice and Strategies for Software Engineering Interviews
Gayle Laakmann McDowell is the founder and CEO of, a site offering thousands of programming interview questions as well as interview videos, resume review, and mock interviews. Gayle’s first book, Cracking the Coding Interview, is the #1 book for preparing for software engineering interviews. Her second book, The Google Resume, is the leading book...
Dr. Wanderley with Joseph Malloch Talk Music
Marcelo Mortensen Wanderley holds a Ph.D. degree from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), France, on acoustics, signal processing, and computer science applied to music. His main research interests include gestural control of sound synthesis, input device design and evaluation, and...

Alexis Ohanian Talks About Social Activism
After graduating from UVA in 2005, he started with Steve Huffman. Founded Breadpig, which creates geeky things, sells them, and gives away all the profits — $190,000 so far. Publisher of xkcd: volume 0. Bottler of AwesomeSauce. Maker of LOLMagnetz. Said WTFCNN?! one too many times. Bassist in a Rock Band™. Ambassador to the...

First Video Posted: Bret Victor
Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s our gift to you: Bret Victor’s video from CUSEC 2012 Bret Victor – Inventing on Principle from CUSEC on Vimeo.