Alexis Ohanian Talks About Social Activism
After graduating from UVA in 2005, he started reddit.com with Steve Huffman. Founded Breadpig, which creates geeky things, sells them, and gives away all the profits — $190,000 so far. Publisher of xkcd: volume 0. Bottler of AwesomeSauce. Maker of LOLMagnetz. Said WTFCNN?! one too many times. Bassist in a Rock Band™. Ambassador to the...

First Video Posted: Bret Victor
Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s our gift to you: Bret Victor’s video from CUSEC 2012 Bret Victor – Inventing on Principle from CUSEC on Vimeo.

Now Open: Morgan Stanley Coding Competition
What is this all about? Morgan Stanley has come up with a little problem to keep you occupied during this year’s conference Why should I participate? Sweet prizes! Something to do between (or during) talks! You’ll be hearing people talk about software engineering; now you can do some! Prizes Choice of gift certificates, Future Shop...

Speaker Announcement: Bret Victor
Bret Victor invents tools that enable people to understand and create. He has designed experimental UI concepts at Apple, interactive data graphics for Al Gore, and musical instruments at Alesis.

Speaker Announcement: Jeremy Ashkenas
Jeremy Ashkenas is part of the Interactive News team at The New York Times, as well as the lead developer of DocumentCloud, helping news organizations analyze and publish the primary source documents behind the news. He created the CoffeeScript programming language, and works on Backbone.js, Underscore.js, Docco, Jammit, and Ruby-Processing, among other open-source projects.

DemoCamp and Call for Proposals
DemoCamp Working on a project you think will be ready to present in January? You should apply for CUSEC’s DemoCamp! DemoCamp rules fairly simple: you have 10 minutes to present your work, no slides, only working code. You’ll then have a couple of minutes to answer questions from the audience. This year there will be...

Speaker Announcement: Manveer Heir
Manveer Heir is a senior designer working at BioWare Montréal on Mass Effect 3. Previously he worked at Raven Software in a variety of roles including gameplay programmer, game designer, and lead designer for multiple games including 2009′s first-person shooter Wolfenstein. Manveer graduated from Virginia Tech in 2004 where he received a Bachelor’s of...

Delta Centre-Ville
CUSEC 2012 has a new home this year: the Delta Centre-Ville. Located on the corner of University and Saint-Jacques, the Delta Centre-Ville is a 10-minute walk to Sainte-Catherine street and a 20-minute walk to Old Montreal. It features a larger space for our ever-growing career fair and even a rotating restaurant at the top! Discounted...

Speaker Announcement: Gayle L. McDowell
Right before this past summer, there were a couple of weeks where I was interviewing with several companies. Every week, I would have at least one technical phone interview or in-person interview. I remember how nerve-racking and stressful it was and hoping that my thoughts and ideas didn’t sound garbled to the interviewer. The first...

About Our Theme
Alan Turing is widely regarded as the father of computer science and artificial intelligence because of his role in formalizing the concepts of “algorithm” and “computation” with the Turing machine, a theoretical device that manipulates symbols on a strip of tape. During World War 2, Turing worked for Britain’s code breaking center and helped devise...